
Serie: Englisch für Trainer
Serie: Englisch für Trainer

Making sure everything goes smoothly

Trainer müssen nicht nur Inhalte vermitteln, sondern auch für eine konzentrierte Arbeitsatmosphäre sorgen. Das fällt umso schwerer, wenn sie das Seminar nicht in ihrer Muttersprache halten. Wie Trainer auf Englisch wieder für Fokus sorgen, erklärt Nicola Bartlett im fünften Teil unserer Serie.
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Two members of the group are chatting away to each other. One participant has so much to say that nobody else can get a word in. The discussion is threatening to veer off in a completely unexpected direction. No, it’s not all sunshine and roses in workshops and seminars. Sometimes you need to take charge and act quickly to get things back on track. And for that you need to come up with the right words. Fast. This article is intended to help you do just that, so that you can deal with these situations confidently. But remember: the behaviour that you find unacceptable could be completely acceptable from the participant’s point of view. So you need to hit the right note. Aim to keep your remarks light and friendly, but firm.

Even the most motivated and attentive participant can be distracted at times. Perhaps they’re sitting next to a col­league who they haven’t seen for a while and are eager to catch up. Perhaps a matter mentioned in the workshop reminds them of something they’ve been meaning to talk to a fellow participant about. And if their smartphones are still on all sorts of distractions can be carried into …
Autor(en): Nicola Bartlett
Quelle: Training aktuell 05/17, Mai 2017, Seite 40-41
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