
Serie: Englisch für Trainer
Serie: Englisch für Trainer

Getting the most out of group and pair work

Partner- und Gruppenarbeit auf Englisch stößt bei Teilnehmern oft erst einmal auf Widerstand. Die Englischtrainerin Nicola Bartlett erklärt im dritten Teil dieser Serie, wie der Trainer den Teilnehmern die gemeinsamen Aufgaben genau erklärt und sie zum Teamwork motiviert.
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'Now we’re going to split into groups!' – words that aren’t always greeted with enthusiastic cheers. Not everyone relishes the chance to work with just one or two other participants. And in an international group there can be all sorts of reservations. Perhaps someone comes from a culture where you, the trainer, are seen as the expert and the value of working with other members of the group isn’t fully appreciated. Perhaps the difficulties lie in the foreign language and participants are thinking 'Will I be able to express my ideas precisely enough?', 'Will I understand the others?' or 'I hope I’m not in the same group as XY, he’s so difficult to understand.' Whatever the nature of the reservations, it’s essential to motivate the group for the task and make sure that everyone understands exactly what they should be doing.

A motivating introduction can help to overcome any initial apprehension or resistance. Use the following phrases to lead into the activity and link it to what you’ve already covered in the seminar and/or to …
Autor(en): Nicola Bartlett
Quelle: Training aktuell 03/17, März 2017, Seite 42-43
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