Your English is good. You have few problems reading the language or understanding others. You are also happy to speak English at work, for example when visitors arrive from Britain or the US. But telephoning in English? That's when you start to panic.
If this is how you feel, you are not alone. Many German-speakers who speak excellent English freeze when they have to make a phone call. This is understandable. You can't see the other person, and voices are often more difficult to understand on the phone.
All is not lost, however. There are some simple steps you can take to improve your telephoning skills. Here are some tips to help you:
Don't panic: This is easier said than done, but really is the key to success. You must lose your fear of the phone. Make at least one call a day in English to a friend just to practise. Repeat to yourself: „Telephoning in English is easy“. Positive thinking can work.
Learn key vocabulary and phrases: There are certain key words and standard phrases that you will need. Learn the vocabulary listed next to this article. Alternatively, put them by your phone at work. Don't try to be too clever on the phone; stick to the standard phrases to say these things.
Start and finish well: A confident opening is important. Say clearly, and not too quickly, who you are and why you are calling: „This is Boris Schröder from Düsseldorf. I'm calling about your order for...“. Try to avoid saying „My name is...“; this sounds less professional.
- Englische Vokabeln rund ums Telefonieren.
- Hilfreiche Wörter und Ausdrücke fürs Telefongespräch und für die Besprechung des Anrufbeantworters in englischer Sprache.